Each time you break or assist breaking a Behemoth part, gain 3 temporary stacks of VITALITY
Gain 4 permanent negative VITALITY. When you deal damage, gain one temporary stack of MIGHT. This can only happen once every 30 seconds
Spawn 1 Chaox when a Behemoth part is broken.
For every 400 HP you currently have, you have 1 Permanent MIGHT.
Gain 4 permanent negative VITALITY. When you deal damage, gain one temporary stack of MIGHT. This can only happen once every 30 seconds
Spawn 1 Chaox when a Behemoth part is broken.
30% chance on breaking a Behemoth part to grant 2 stacks of SPEED to all allies and self. Else gain 2 stacks of SPEED yourself only.
Each time you break or assist breaking a Behemoth part, gain 3 temporary stacks of VITALITY
Gain 4 permanent negative VITALITY. When you deal damage, gain one temporary stack of MIGHT. This can only happen once every 30 seconds
Spawn 1 Chaox when a Behemoth part is broken.
For every 400 HP you currently have, you have 1 Permanent MIGHT.
Gain 3 temporary MIGHT when a Behemoth enters Aether-Charge
Each time you break or assist breaking a Behemoth part, gain 3 temporary stacks of VITALITY
30% chance on breaking a Behemoth part to grant 2 stacks of SPEED to all allies and self. Else gain 2 stacks of SPEED yourself only.
Gain 1 held stack of VITALITY and DEFENSE. +1% Lifesteal and +1 held stacks of DEFENSE for every 150 missing health. When taking damage, reduce Ice Lance cooldown by 5s (once every 5s).
750 (double damage at full health). Gain Stagger Protection and +10% Lifesteal for 8s.
Gain 3 temporary MIGHT when a Behemoth enters Aether-Charge
Each time you break or assist breaking a Behemoth part, gain 3 temporary stacks of VITALITY
Gain 4 permanent negative VITALITY. When you deal damage, gain one temporary stack of MIGHT. This can only happen once every 30 seconds
Spawn 1 Chaox when a Behemoth part is broken.
30% chance on breaking a Behemoth part to grant 2 stacks of SPEED to all allies and self. Else gain 2 stacks of SPEED yourself only.
For every 400 HP you currently have, you have 1 Permanent MIGHT.