After dodging through an attack, your next attack deals 400 wound damage
Using your Weapon Active Ability also grants 2 temporary SPEED to all Slayers.
Deal 50% increased damage to Wounded parts.
Gain 3 held stacks of CRITICAL.
Dealing damage to the same part 5 times in a row grants you a stack of MIGHT.
After dodging through an attack, your next attack deals 400 wound damage
Using your Weapon Active Ability also grants 2 temporary SPEED to all Slayers.
Deal 50% increased damage to Wounded parts.
When using an Aether Vent, gain an additional +200 healing and have a 25% chance to not consume a vent charge.
Gain 3 held stacks of CRITICAL.
Dealing damage to the same part 5 times in a row grants you a stack of MIGHT.
When using an Aether Vent, gain an additional +200 healing and have a 25% chance to not consume a vent charge.
After dodging through an attack, your next attack deals 400 wound damage
Using your Weapon Active Ability also grants 2 temporary SPEED to all Slayers.
Gain 3 held stacks of CRITICAL.
Dealing damage to the same part 5 times in a row grants you a stack of MIGHT.
Deal 50% increased damage to Wounded parts.